Men's Patriots Football Tailgating


Sunday Worship @ 9am & 10:30am, Livestream @ 9am, WestKids & Nursery @ 9am & 10:30am

 October 25, 2020

 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

 West Church Back Parking Lot

Hey men, are you ready for some football?!

West Church Back Parking Lot

1 pm - 4pm Tailgating and Outdoor games

4pm - 7pm Watch Game


We will be hosting our first Men's Ministry Patriots Football Tailgating Event in the West Church back (main) parking lot. It will be a bring your own food/drinks, chair, and tailgate event. We'll supply the TVs, games, use of a grill if you don't have your own, and plenty of fellowship. We'll be doing all this according to West Church and Massachusetts safety guidelines of course, and we plan to have a blast. PRE-REGISTER

We'll need to have you pre-register for the event if you are interested. Walk-ins can register onsite but please use the online registration so we can plan for the event size.

The event will be cancelled only in case of steady rain (mist does not count!). Come on out and have fun with us!

Men's Ministry Team