

Sunday Worship @ 9am & 10:30am, Livestream @ 9am, WestKids & Nursery @ 9am & 10:30am

Communion (The Lord's Supper)

The sacrament of communion is a proclamation of the Lordship of Christ, union with the Father, Son, and Spirit, and spiritual fellowship with people of like faith. Communion is an outward sign of our common union with God through faith in Jesus Christ and his completed sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin.

Our communion table is open to all who know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Traditionally, Communion at West is served on the first Sunday of the month (this is occasionally changed to accommodate our schedule). The elements are bread and grape juice, and typically the elements are served to the congregation while they remain seated. Communion may also be served at other services, on retreats, or in leadership events. We do not mandate that communion be served by an ordained person.


Celebrating the Lord's Supper at Home or as a Small Group

Communion: Is My Child Ready?

Invitation and Instructions to Communion